Sunday, September 21, 2008

Visiting Dominica

I love to travel by book. My most recent literary vacation was on the island of Dominica, which is not to be confused with the Dominican Republic. Joanne Skerrett's newest novel, Letting Loose, provided me with a free tropical vacation in Paradise via the adventures of high school English teacher Amelia Wilson in this third work of African-American chick lit. by Skerrett. Although I rarely read chick lit. or romance novels, particularly because I'm put off by the women who need a man to feel complete, I still enjoyed Amelia's character. (Please understand, wanting a relationship is one thing, feeling incomplete without a partner just irritates me.) Beyond the needing a man aspect, I liked that Amelia taught public school in Boston, that she had a good sense of humor in spite of some students' disrespectful behavior, and that she allowed herself to indulge in a tropical adventure (albeit to meet the man of her dreams). From the edgy opening to the satisfying conclusion, Skerrett's novel kept me coming back for more. (See also my review at ) ...Thanks, Joanne!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Thanks, Cynthia. This is like getting a good grade in English class!!